“In light of the extreme cold we’ve been experiencing as of late, it’s heartbreaking and it’s frustrating to watch,” Iveson said
Judith Gale of the Bear Clan who was feeding homeless people at the Central LRT station Sunday evening when police ordered them to leave and go into the bitter cold. Photo by Greg Southam /Postmedia
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A public apology and compassionate care training for public-facing officers is necessary, says a homeless advocate, after police evicted people from a city-centre LRT station into wind chills hovering around -33 C on the weekend.
Judith Gale, an outreach worker with the Bear Clan Patrol Edmonton Beaver Hills House, said an officer took food away from multiple people sheltering and trying to eat inside the Central LRT station Sunday evening around 8 p.m., then told them to leave. Gale recorded parts of the interaction and shared it on the Bear Clan’s Facebook page. Video shows officers ordering a group to exit.
Gale said the officer was aggressive and his actions were disheartening.
“He actually pulled the soup out of a gentleman’s hands who was trying to eat. He took a sandwich out of another man’s mouth … then he harassed everybody to get out,” she said.
“Not at any level was it appropriate. It was dehumanizing to our brothers and sisters … being thrown out in the dead of winter at -33 C wind chills is an act of terror. They could have died.”
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Edmonton has two city buses to bring people to shelters, but Gale said transportation was not awaiting them outside.
Police meet advocate
Two Edmonton police officers met with Gale Tuesday afternoon. Gale said they apologized, agreed the officers did not act properly, and said they are making immediate changes to policy and conducting an internal investigation.
“What I would rather see is action, and it looks like they’re willing to take some action, so I appreciate that.”
Edmonton Police Services spokeswoman Cheryl Sheppard said officers aim to balance enforcing public safety, bylaws like loitering, and COVID-19 protocols.
“In this particular case, we should have done a better job at communicating our role in helping connect citizens to the City of Edmonton’s services and partner agencies whose goals are to keep vulnerable citizens safe and warm,” she wrote in an email.
Sheppard did not respond to questions about whether the officers followed EPS protocol, if the officer was being disciplined, and what the agency will do to prevent similar situations in the future.
City spokesman Rowan Anderson said in an email EPS officers regularly patrol transit property but did not answer a question about whether transit officers called for police backup.
Heartbreaking and frustrating: Mayor
Mayor Don Iveson told media Tuesday he wants to revisit the city’s extreme-weather protocols. He plans to ask staff during the Community and Public Services Committee on Wednesday to bring back a report on their policies to see if things need to change.
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He said what was shown in the video is not in line with how the city wants to respond to homelessness.
“In light of the extreme cold we’ve been experiencing as of late, it’s heartbreaking and it’s frustrating to watch,” he said. “I would have liked to have seen the officers in this case take the time to connect these Edmontonians to the City of Edmonton services and partner agencies.”
City data shows shelters had high volumes Sunday evening — CESSCO was over capacity at 120 per cent, Edmonton Convention Centre was nearly full at 96 per cent, Hope Mission’s main building was at 86 per cent and Commonwealth Stadium was at 77 per cent — but there was some space available at Moravian Church, Trinity Lutheran Church and the Youth Shelter.
The city has allowed people to stay in LRT stations in the past.