Alberta Teachers' Association releases report calling draft curriculum unfit for K-6 classrooms


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A new study of the province’s draft K-6 curriculum is confirmation the plan needs a complete review and rewrite, says the Alberta Teachers’ Association.


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The 105-page report, released Wednesday, pulled together feedback from more than 6,500 teachers and school leaders including specialists in subjects such as math and social studies. It indicates that a majority of Alberta teachers believe the draft does not meet the government’s own guidelines as set out by Alberta Education.

Mark Swanson, the ATA’s professional development coordinator, said at a virtual media briefing Wednesday the curriculum is outdated.

“Many people describe the current draft curriculum as a curriculum not for this century, but for the previous century,” he said.

Jacqueline Skytt, lead author of the study, said it makes it clear teachers don’t believe the curriculum can serve the needs of students in Alberta.


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“They are concerned about all of the students in the classroom,” she said.

The study flagged what many curriculum experts have said of the draft, including that it is not logically sequenced, not developmentally appropriate, does not respectfully include First Nations, Métis and Inuit histories, contributions and perspectives, and it does not adequately include Francophone histories, contributions and perspectives.

“The teachers’ analysis of the draft curriculum identified that racism, sexism and other forms of bigotry have not been addressed and, in fact, the curriculum language promotes racism, sexism and bigotry,” the study said.

Teachers said the lack of content related to gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, “by omission, discriminates against 2SLGBTQ+ students and their families.” Many teachers also found the draft reflects a Judeo-Christian bias and Eurocentric ideology.


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The report noted the draft is heavily weighted to the acquisition of content and facts, and does not support the development of creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills.

“This is a concern because critical thinking will be supplanted by an overwhelming focus on knowledge content,” it said.

In a letter to Education Minister Adriana LaGrange prefacing the report, ATA president Jason Schilling expressed regret that the minister’s schedule would not permit a meeting in September to discuss the report, suggesting they “urgently” meet.

“Please understand that when it comes to this curriculum, teachers of Alberta are unified in their concern and overwhelmingly resolved in the need for change,” he wrote, adding that piloting is not a priority for this school year.


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“Now is not the time to pilot and implement new curriculum,” Schilling said.

The ATA wants a new provincial curriculum committee established to develop a new draft curriculum.

Swanson said of the government’s 12-member curriculum advisory panel, only three had teaching certificates, but none have taught in classrooms in this century.

“Alberta’s classroom teachers were not invited to participate in the creation of this draft K-6 curriculum.”

Philip McRae, research associate coordinator of research, said it’s important to hear the voice of teachers.

“Those who are closest to children on a daily basis in our schools are raising a clarion call, and I think it is our moral imperative to hear what they’ve had to say,” he said.

…More to come


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