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An investigation is underway after a “significant” outbreak of the Brazilian P.1 variant was identified in the province, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw said Saturday.
Hinshaw said the outbreak is linked to a returning traveller and Alberta Health Services (AHS) are working to contract trace and limit further spread.
“AHS will ensure that anyone at risk is isolated, offered testing twice and connected with supports if needed,” Hinshaw said.
The investigation is underway and no further details will be provided until Monday, Hinshaw said.
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“We are all protecting each other, so let’s all please keep making safe choices, following the health measures in place and preventing the spread of COVID-19,” Hinshaw said Saturday.
The outbreak comes a day after Alberta reported an estimated 1,100 new cases of COVID-19 on Friday, the highest daily case count since near the beginning of the year, and 300 new variant cases.
More to come.