Mando Lore — Chapter 15: The Believer, in which the greater good is not so binary


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Bit of a throwaway side-mission episode was The Mandalorian Chapter 15: The Believer … or was it?

Our Mando Lore panel of two is actually not so sure about that. Yes, it’s a very “get the gem so the dragon will open his cave to you” sort of adventure videogame quest, but what we really have here was a thoughtful dive into the philosophical centre of the Star Wars Galaxy, a place where bounty hunters and villagers and even your average doomed Stormtrooper live, caught up in the gigantic battles between Skywalker Good and Skywalker Evil. And even though Din Djarin had to buck his religion and make the choice to unmask in order to get just a little closer to saving his son, Bill Burr’s former Emp Mayfeld was the actual main character of this show: the person who grew the most, and its best actor by a landslide.

So while there’s some seriously neat stuff — including the sweet microphone in the tank, and did you catch the seismic charge coming out of Slave 1, back from the meteor fight in Attack of the Clones? — what this chapter was really about was an almost Marcus Aurelius-like of stepping back and re-examining one’s personal priorities in the name of something more important, be that justice or, in Mando’s case, simple love.

So despite all the up-levelling boss-monster action, this was one of the most thoughtful of the series, and Nathan Martin and Fish Griwkowsky have more to say about all of that in this week’s Mando Lore — the second last of the season.


And in case you’ve been busy beating up Stormtroopers with the Force off screen in your tiny little handcuffs, here are the rest of Season II’s episodes:

Chapter 9: The Marshal

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Chapter 10: The Passenger

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