Pika performance: Pokemon celebrates 25 years from the top of the world


Some of Fish Griwkowsky's Pokemon merch from Japan and Canada.Some of Fish Griwkowsky’s Pokemon merch from Japan and Canada. Photo by Fish Griwkowsky /Postmedia

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This Saturday marks 25 years that childhood insect-collector Satoshi Tajiri’s “Pocket Monsters” empire first popped into our world — a quarter century of the first Red vs. Blue Nintendo game co-created with Ken Sugimori. Fitting for a game centred on battling ever-toughening (yet super cute) elemental monsters, Pokemon is the planet’s highest-grossing media franchise, taking in more than an estimated $100 billion USD. With a two-decade head start, Star Wars hits a paltry $68 billion mark by comparison.

One of the brilliant qualities of its games — from videogames to schoolyard-popular cards (the rarest of which, a first-edition Charizard hologram card currently worth about half a million Canadian) — is that collecting is built right into its basic DNA. The American-added phrase “gotta catch ’em all” is a mantra known to anyone who’s ever wandered around with the franchise’s now thousands of creatures, with Pikachu — roughly “sparkle squeak” in Japanese — at its nucleus.


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I was over in Japan in December 1997 when the TV anime version caused hundreds of children across the country to have seizures — spawning the first of numerous backlashes — but quickly grew so addicted to the GameBoy version I neglected my romantic relationship into eventual oblivion. It’s just a thing that happens.

Of course, most people into Pokemon back then were actual children, including now 31-year-old Edmonton comedian Michael Borchert, who notes he religiously carried around, “a GameBoy, a stack of Pokemon cards and dry ichiban noodles you’d eat right out the bag — the fourth grade starter pack!”

Squirtle was his favourite, “mostly because it was the most fun to imitate.” One of the things most Pokemon do, if you didn’t know, is say their names over and over.

Borchert moved on, but Pokemon changed lives, including local professional illustrator Alicia Greystone’s — @lisha.bunny on Instagram — who started out drawing her own Pokemon. “I was four, it was my favourite show. I was drawing my own Pokedex,” she says, describing stapling her artwork together in a little book.

“I was convinced I was going to be a Pokemon trainer when I was in the second grade. I had a whole master plan. I didn’t understand they weren’t real, I thought they all just lived in Japan.

“Slowpoke’s still my favourite. I thought Charizard was a total badass — but he was harder to draw.

“I love the games, the cards — there isn’t anything I don’t like about it. I’m a Pokemon generalist, I guess,” laughs the 27-year-old.


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Some Drifloons, illustrated by Alicia Greystone.Some Drifloons, illustrated by Alicia Greystone. Photo by Alicia Greystone /supplied

Like literally millions, Greystone got hooked — to this day — on multiple, ongoing waves of the card battle games. Her uncle worked in a factory that packaged them, “so he would get all the mismatched packages, so I had stacks.”

Instead of playing, often, “I was the kid that would sleeve all the cards and look through my binder of treasures.”

With this in mind, she’s bummed speculators are currently vacuuming up 25th anniversary Pokemon Happy Meal cards from McDonald’s. “It’s insane how they’ve become a form of currency.

“Kids are looking forward to receiving Pokemon cards, and that could’ve been a pivotal moment for a kid coming into the hobby. And you took that away, because you can go around and sell the cards for three times as much.

“It’s just profit for you.”

Amid her 1,000 or so cards dating back to the first wave, she’s got a few worth hundreds. But, “I don’t think I could ever part with mine. They’ve been with me forever.”

An overflowing Pokemon tournament at Mission Fun and Games in St. Albert in 2005.An overflowing Pokemon tournament at Mission Fun and Games in St. Albert in 2005. Photo by supplied /jpg

Since the card game first appeared in St. Albert, Mission: Fun and Games’ owner John Engel and his wife Tracy Robertson have also been hooked on Pokemon, running one of the longest-continuing Pokemon Leagues in Canada.

For thousands of card players over the years, they’ve run city and provincial championships — Engel’s even judged at world competitions.

“We have a long relationship,” the 59-year-old laughs.

If that isn’t enough cred, in 2004 the couple and their daughters entered a North America-wide retailer contest to promote the Aqua Magma card series. “It totally possessed our lives. My wife designed costumes, my daughters and I built a four-foot-high volcano in a kids swimming pool.”


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Team Mission won. They had a choice of an all-expenses trip to Hawaii or a red and blue promotional Pokemon vehicle.

“We took the car,” he says. “I’m still driving it. It needs a paint job.”

John Engel and family in 2004 with Pokemon USA rep Dean Irwin, presenting them with their Pokemon car.John Engel and family in 2004 with Pokemon USA rep Dean Irwin, presenting them with their Pokemon car. Photo by supplied

While Mission’s Saturday tourneys were shut down by the pandemic, Engel now plays Pokemon USA’s virtual version. “When you buy a pack in store you get a code card that releases more cards online.

“I got my butt handed to me by everyone I play,” he admits.

COVID-19 has seen heavy hitter collectors coming out of the woodwork, though, Engel says, “As crazy as it is now, it does not match what it was in ’98, ’99.

“But it’s getting close.”

He thinks back to some of the original boxes of the base set he sold by the pack 23 years ago. “Wish I had some today. I’m about to sell a box of Pokemon Gym Challenge for an agreed price of $20,000. This is a box I paid $55 for back in ’97.”

While he’s glad he set aside some “rainy day” stock, as a longtime player, he says that misses the bigger point. “The bottom line is that it is a truly excellent game. It gets younger kids involved in reading and doing math. And at the competitive level it’s terrifically challenging.

“And Pokemon Go, all the craze a few years ago, helped it even more. It’s pretty easy to get addicted to that — my wife and daughter are avid players.”

Vanessa Bowman, a gen-Xer social worker living out near Bonnyville, started her own Pokemon journey relatively recently, with the aforementioned, augmented reality app Pokemon Go, downloaded over a billion times worldwide since 2016.


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“I knew nothing about Pokemon except that it existed,” Bowman says. “My kids were young teenagers and I’d be driving them around from dance and they’d say, ‘Mom! Stop! I’ve got to catch a Pokemon!’

“I decided to download the app to connect with them. They got bored and moved on, but I really enjoyed walking around and collecting Pokemon.

“The real-world PokeStops are often local historical sites and places of interest. I grew up in Bonnyville and had no idea these places existed — so I actually learned things about my own town.”

She says it’s hard to play in the country during the pandemic, especially working from home — but still catches the critters in the city, noting she sees “these young people, gen-Zers, millennials, still playing it.

“So I’m not such a loser!”

A tactical mother, Bowman refuses to pick her favourite pocket monster, narrowing only as far as the general Eevee evolutionary line. “I can’t! I love them all!”

Edmonton illustrator Alisha Greystone has been into Pokemon since she was four, a lifelong fan.Edmonton illustrator Alisha Greystone has been into Pokemon since she was four, a lifelong fan. Photo by Alisha Greystone /supplied

Greystone, meanwhile, explains why she’s still hooked on the franchise she’s loved her entire conscious life. “Pokemon has always been such a welcoming community. There’s always something new to look forward to, new cards, new efforts to innovate — but they keep what they have in the past still true and valid.”

Also there at the beginning, Borchert notes of the big milestone. “It doesn’t really feel like 25 years has gone by because it never really left the popular culture.

“But I finally cook my ichiban like a grownup!”




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