Three to See Saturday: Mikula on the walls, Guliak interviewed and last call for Asha


Tim Mikula’s expressionist painting about the Alahogate scandal is up at The Paint Spot. Photo by Fish Griwkowsky /Postmedia

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Tim Mikula’s painting show: Foul-mouthed yet sensuously hilarious local jokemonger Tim Mikula is every day creeping towards infinity with his Endless Portrait Project — having produced over 6,000 paintings of faces in four years, many a day.

During this time, he has gone from elementary-school “faux abstract” to being a legitimate expressionist heavyweight. Hard work pays off, he also sells respectably. His new show at Paint Spot demonstrates another limb of his work, his regional political hellscapes at @ABLegGiftShop on Instagram, with article-length titles damning regional hypocrites long before it became so widely and recently fashionable.

What’s impressive is that he both transmits authentic horror but has you laughing with the prose — a living inspiration to create instead of just complain.

Tim Mikula’s painting of the “UCP marrying a coffin full of nickels by a slot machine in the neon pandemic fever dream of a casino.” Photo by Fish Griwkowsky /Postmedia

Details: 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. at The Paint Spot (10032 81 Ave), no charge.

Cross Canada Journals Episode One: To get his record out over the summer, Edmonton ex-pat Rob Malowany phantom-darted across the country to hand it to interested parties in person — please check out for that.


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But during this journey, he also checked in with a number of musician comrades, including the freakishly charming John Guliak — and, why not, made a web series about it! Guliak is the first episode, and it’s well worth 26 minutes of your time to drop in on this chat between passionate old friends.

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Details: Search for Cross Canada Journals and Guliak on YouTube, no charge.

A Brimful of Asha last call: Join Ravi and his mother Asha as they tell you their hilarious, awkward and utterly true story of family tradition.

An attempt at an arranged marriage sparks a generational cultural clash, as Ravi is reluctant to marry — and Asha fears time is running out. This weekend is your last chance to catch this Horizon Series, multi-camera production that, like so many artistic innovators, found a way to keep going despite the pandemic, and could use your support.

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Details: Through Sunday at, $29.40.



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