Three to See Saturday/Sunday: live 0Stella, Anchorman and online ESO


0Stella is scheduled to play Cask & Barrel Saturday afternoon. Photo by supplied

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0Stella: Garage Band Saturdays presents OStella, the solo project of Irish-Canadian Edmontonian Liz Pomeroy. With shades of PJ Harvey, St. Vincent and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, 0Stella’s music is both politically driven and beautiful, as you can see in the video for Wide Awake.

Full safety precautions are in place, but it’s always almost mandatory idea to check ahead with any venue before you head down as it’s like THAT again.

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Details: 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. at Cask & Barrel (10041 104 St.), no charge

Anchorman: Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004): For those of you who have been glued to CNN or Fox or MSNBC for the last few weeks like it’s 9/11 every day, perhaps Adam McKay’s comedy about how news used to be can help ease you back into the real world.

Hotshot television anchorman Ron Burgundy welcomes upstart reporter Veronica Corningstone into the male-dominated world of 1970s broadcast news — that is until the talented female journalist begins to outshine Burgundy on air. Soon he grows jealous, begins a bitter feud with Veronica, and eventually makes a vulgar slip on live TV that ruins his career.

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Details: 7 p.m. at Metro Cinema (8712 109 St.), $13 at or at the wicket

ESO livestream: On Sunday, members of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra will perform a free YouTube live stream concert at the Winspear Centre.

Commissioned by the ESO in 2016 as part of John McPherson’s tenure as composer-in-residence, Concerto For Two Horns “Mountain Triptych” received funding from Canada Council for the Arts, Alberta Foundation for the Arts and made its Winspear Centre debut in 2018. “It seems that people are strongly drawn either to the ocean or to mountains,” says the conductor. I fall into the mountain camp.

Combine that with how the horn has always been the ideal instrument for representing the majesty of nature, and the fact that the writing of this piece took place mainly in a studio/cabin tucked in the woods at the Banff Centre looking out to the iconic Mount Rundle, and you have an explanation for the subtitle and imagery.”

Details: 4 p.m. Sunday at



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