Two cats, one rabbit dead after fire at animal grooming shop: EFRS


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Two cats and one rabbit died after a fire broke out at a pet grooming business in the Kenilworth area on Sunday evening, said Edmonton Fire Rescue Services (EFRS) spokesperson Rowan Anderson.

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There were no reports of human injuries.

Six fire crews were dispatched to Little Paws Inn near 82 Avenue NW and 71 Street NW just before 5:40 p.m after a call about a fire at the business was received at 5:32 p.m., Anderson said.

One employee at Little Paws called about a fire and was told to evacuate the building, said district fire Chief Todd Weiss.

An unspecified number of animals were evacuated to safety, including at least eight dogs who were being kept in a neighbouring backyard.

After a rabbit was rescued from the building, firefighter Mark Johnson attempted to revive it using CPR and oxygen, but he said his efforts were unsuccessful.

The extent of the fire damage wasn’t yet known, said Weiss.

Most of the damage was in a left-side portion of the business, said Weiss. Much of the interior was charred.

However, the fire didn’t directly affect the area of Little Paws where the animals were kept, Weiss said.

The cause of the blaze wasn’t yet known, Weiss said.