Two Edmonton councillors criticize Iveson's concerns with police-led tours through convention centre homeless shelter, call for apology


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Two city councillors have offered a rebuke to Mayor Don Iveson, who raised a concern about “intentional surprise visits” by police and members of council to the city’s 24-7 Tipinawâw homeless shelter.

In a written response Tuesday, councillors Sarah Hamilton and Tim Cartmell said they believe a number of the mayor’s statements in his Friday letter to Edmonton Police Commission chairwoman Micki Ruth are “not accurate” and “undermine the safety and security of residents.” Hamilton and Cartmell serve as council’s two representatives on the police commission.

Iveson sent the letter after being made aware of invitations from the Edmonton Police Service to councillors for unscheduled tours of the Edmonton Convention Centre shelter to see what the conditions are like. Operating since last October as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tipinawâw shelter provides day services and overnight sleeping space to about 300 residents. The $10.7-million shelter, overseen by the city, is being operated by a collection of community support agencies and will close April 30.


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In their letter, Hamilton and Cartmell said this was an opportunity for elected officials to tour an operation that the city is ultimately responsible for in order to inform future decisions around shelter needs and standards. They took issue with the fact that Iveson had the opportunity to tour the site while councillors hadn’t and also voiced concerns about some of the feedback the shelter has received about safety and security.

“Councillors taking the time to become as informed as possible as part of their decision-making role has always been welcomed. Your mis-characterization of these visits are a personal attack on the motivation and integrity of individual councillors, and you should very strongly consider an unqualified public apology on that count,” the letter reads. “Some describe the Edmonton Convention Centre as ‘international waters’ — a space with no accountability, no laws, no rules — and no protection of the most vulnerable that find themselves there. To some of the councillors that have completed a tour of several agency facilities, the Edmonton Convention Centre is the most dangerous.”

In an email to Postmedia Thursday, Iveson’s office said the concerns related to occupational health and safety and political neutrality still stand. Nathalie Batres, communications adviser for the mayor, said they are expecting a formal response back from the police commission on the issues raised. The police service stopped the visits after concerns were brought forward by a councillor who rejected the invitation.


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“The mayor supports transparency about conditions and shared concerns about safety and complexity of these operations, though the mayor remains concerned about the political circumstances and questionable judgement behind the invitations,” Batres wrote. “City council, and the mayor, share genuine concern around the safety and efficacy of large-scale shelters like Tipinawâw. It is why we’ve had repeated conversations at council on shelter minimum standards and it’s why Tipinawâw will soon be closed and we’ll be transitioning folks to smaller shelters that allow for more one-on-one support.”

Edmonton police said all visitors were wearing masks, but all staff and visitors in congregate shelter spaces are required to wear face shields as well, according to Alberta Health Services guidelines.

Commission chairwoman Micki Ruth said Thursday she is in communication with the police service to work through the issues raised by the mayor.

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